Hosting of this web app will be ending in the middle of September 2017, but I have written a local web app so that you can continue to record your drinks in a similar to manner to how you do now.
To continue using the diary, please follow these simple steps:
This new local web app is written in javascript and uses local storage. The benefit of this is that you now own your data and it will not be handled by a third party such as my website. The drawback is that it will be necessary for you to occasionally back up your data via the 'back up / bulk import data set' page, to safeguard against your browser clearing data (eg when you do 'clear cache'). To get a back up of your data set, click on 'back up / bulk import data set' and copy the contents to a text file.
Updates to the local web app:
I have tried to make the javascript version of the drinkingdiary as much like the hosted version as possible, but will be making updates on an ongoing basis. Watch this git repo / pages for updates -to accept an update, it will be as simple as downloading a new version of If you have any requests for features, please contact me at the email address below.
If you encounter any problems with the instructions, with downloading of the new app or of your data set, please email me at